In this paper, high school mathematics teachers’ views on computer-assisted mathematics instruction and on computer algebra systems (CAS) were explored in two stages, before and after they were trained on it. This study is based on the case study model of the qualitative research method. Semi-structured interview forms constitute the data of the study. Some codes and themes were established with the descriptive and content analyses of the data. The results show that teachers had positive opinions about computer-assisted mathematics instruction before they were trained, yet a majority of them was not able to use it in their classes for several reasons. However, it is seen that none of the teachers except for one knew about computer algebra systems (CAS). It is understood after the training that all the teachers wanted to use computer-assisted mathematics instruction in their classes, and thus they needed to use Mathematica, which is a computer algebra system, during the process. Likewise, while most of the teachers did not want their students to interact with computers or tablets in their classes before the computer-assisted mathematics instruction training, almost all of them had a favorable opinion of it after the training.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.566
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