At the end of a school year, emotion, self-esteem, knowledge are considered by a teacher to decide whether a student is promoted or not. The aim of the study was to seek the success of students 12- to 14-year-olds who had failed a given course in the first year of high school and were still registered for a higher course in the second year of high school. Students were evaluated by their regular teachers over the years, and report cards were analyzed. Failing students were students with mean marks below 60 p.100 in a topic. No help was given during summertime. Still, students were more likely to achieve success the following year at that higher level, regardless of the topics. Up to 71 p.100 had recovered from their misunderstanding in the second semester of high school the next year. If we consider the less weak students, thus those who had failed year 1 with marks below 60 p.100 but above 49 p.100, nearly 80% of the students had recovered from their misunderstanding in the second semester. This study supports the idea that the relationship to knowledge should change in schools. We believe that intrinsic motivation may need enough time to occur at such an age. We also believe that the strong extrinsic motivation given by the teachers and the school institution of the school under scrutiny is recommended.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Arnaud Cabanac, Richard Têtu, Proteau Geneviève, Jacques Patricia, Michel Cabanac

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