Venetia Nouri


Effective leadership in higher education today requires adaptability and collaboration to meet the growing complexities of academic environments. Centers for Teaching and Learning (CTLs) have emerged as key players in this context, advancing faculty development and innovative teaching methods while aligning with institutional priorities. This study delves into leadership models such as transformational, shared, and complexity leadership to understand how these frameworks impact the operations and influence of CTLs. Emphasizing equity, inclusivity, and responsive strategies, CTLs are shown to foster environments that drive academic excellence and continuous growth. By examining academic literature, this study reveals how CTLs not only enhance teaching practices but mostly contribute significantly to building an institutional culture of collaboration and adaptability. The findings highlight the transformative role of CTLs in supporting educational leadership and promoting a shared vision for high-quality, inclusive learning experiences.


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leadership, models of leadership, CTLs, academia, higher education

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