Melisa Bureković, Šejla Perenda, Edina Rizvić-Eminović


This study explores the application of subject-verb concord rules among Bosnian EFL students, focusing on the influence of proficiency level, academic performance in grammar-related subjects, and preferences for American or British English. Guided by three research questions, the study examines whether students’ general language proficiency impacts their ability to correctly apply subject-verb concord rules, whether there is a correlation between their grammar course grades and performance on a concord-focused questionnaire, and whether students demonstrate a preference for American or British English concord rules. The research involved 41 university students with proficiency levels of B2 and C1. The findings reveal that students’ proficiency levels and grammar score grades do not significantly influence their application of subject-verb concord rules. Despite demonstrating a good overall understanding, students frequently struggled with specific categories, such as plural nouns and coordination with or/nor. Additionally, the results indicate a notable preference for American English concord rules over British English. These findings underscore the pedagogical importance of subject-verb concord and highlight the need for targeted instructional strategies to address persistent errors. The study also emphasizes the value of error analysis in identifying interlingual influences and improving language learning materials.


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subject-verb concord, EFL, B2 and C1 level of English proficiency

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