Alanood Mubarak Al-Thani, Latifa A. Aziz A. A. Al-Meghaissib, Mohamed Ragab Abdelhakeem Ali Nosair


Effective teaching (ET) has recently drawn attention within higher educational institutions owing to the need for greater accountability and high-quality learning outcomes. The present study investigated Qatar University faculty member’s (QUFM) perception of ET, characteristics, practices, and impediments by assembling data from a cluster sample of 75, using a quantitative approach. The methodology that was utilized took the form of five research questions that were answered using a basic descriptive and inferential statistical approach. Results indicate that 52% of QUFM consider the ET term to be ambiguous, which means 48% of the QUFM population are not contributing to fulfilling the adapted strategy of education and learning excellence, which is based on achieving ET. Moreover, the data revealed that 57.14% of QUFM’s instructional knowledge is not at an acceptable rate. Finally, the results suggested that most academic staff is required to receive further training in implementing ET concepts.


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effective teaching; teaching effectiveness; higher education instruction; teacher perception of teaching

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v12i1.5809


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