A review of the opposing arguments with regard to the practices of assessment teaching/learning and the ideal of holistic teaching/learning in education leads to hypothesize that higher test scores in assessment learning also reflect the quality of learning and personalities that holistic education ideology advocates. The acquisition of holistic ideals is a qualitative phenomenon that is identifiable only through the behavior of an individual since the holistic concept involves the knowledge, skills and values required for citizens in making decisions that are responsible and democratic (Badjanova & Iliško 2015). In an effort to find out the extent to which ‘scores in tests’ in assessment learning reflect the quality of the behavior that holistic learning advocates, a study is taken up at an English Language Center (ELC) of a university with the participants from five different batches of students that attended English language programs of different levels and courses. A purposive sample of students that is divided into two groups, with 130 students in each, is taken up for the study. Group A contains the students that scored 70% and more in the previous summative tests and group B carries the students that scored between 50%-70% in the tests. A questionnaire that forms a Likert Scale was prepared in light of the holistic ideals delivered by Krishnamurti (1974; 1989) on education. The questionnaire was distributed to the groups of participants followed by personal interviews with them. The quantitative data analysis of the responses was done using SPSS and ANOVA soft wares to establish the study hypothesis, and a positive correlation between scores in assessment learning and holistic ideals is established.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.581
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