The application of interactive learning is directed towards increasing the quality of communication in the teaching process. The focus of the research in this paper is the influence of the communicative approach on the quality of the teaching process, and the purposeful interaction that has been both the method and the aim of the communicative approach. The authors of this paper argue that the interactive method significantly adds to a successful implementation of purposeful communication in the teaching process. The authors argue that effective communication in the teaching process implies mutual respect, equality of all the participants in the process, honesty and straightforwardness, together with the acknowledgement of both teachers' and students' needs. The results of experimental research relating to the impact of interactive learning on the quality of communication in the language teaching process are presented in this paper. The effects of interactive learning have been expressed through a higher degree of communication freedom and active listening enticement. The overall results of this research point to the significance of further training of teachers in terms of the application of the interactive method in the classroom, thus creating an atmosphere abundant in positive stimuli and challenges for the students.
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