Analou Salvaña-Piansay, Lorna T. General


The primary aim of the study is to find out whether classroom environment and professional development significantly predict teaching performance. Utilizing non-experimental quantitative design via descriptive correlation technique, data were obtained from 300 respondents who are public elementary and high school teachers in Cateel 1 and Cateel 2, Davao Oriental. The researcher utilized a stratified random sampling technique and an online survey mode of data collection. The researcher also utilized the statistical tools mean, Pearson r, and regression analysis. From the results of the study, it was found that there is a very high level of classroom environment, professional development, and teaching performance. Also, results revealed that there is a significant relationship between classroom environment and teaching performance, and a significant relationship between professional development and teaching performance. Also, the classroom environment has a significant influence on teaching performance in the same way that professional development has a significant influence on teaching performance. Among the indicators of classroom environment and professional development, teacher effectiveness and classroom management have the highest degrees of influence on teaching performance. Further, there is a significant combined influence of classroom environment and professional development on teaching performance.


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education, classroom environment, professional development, teaching performance, correlation, teachers, SDG #4, Philippines

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