The quality of learning environment in classroom setting is critical to effective teaching and learning process in classroom. This research paper presents the results of study conducted in West Pokot County public Early Childhood Development Education centres with regard to classroom environmental setting and provision of quality education. The study involved use of qualitative and quantitative research methodology. The target population for the research involved 365 head teachers, 682 teachers and 4 DICECE officers. Data for the research was collected through use of questionnaire, interview and researcher observation. Data collected was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics for quantitative data and thematic content analysis for qualitative data. Research results showed that 37.1% of ECDE centres studied were not having standardised environmental setting that could facilitate provision of quality education to pupils in West Pokot County. It was found out that less than 50% of classrooms were ventilated, only 24.9% of classrooms studied were found to have enough space for easy classroom movement and 36.1% of classrooms were found to be accessible by all learners. The study recommends that there is need for ECDE teachers to work with head teachers to ensure that classrooms setting are safe, secure and conducive for teaching and learning process. On the policy front, there is need for county government to work with national government to establish appropriate standards for ideal indoor classroom environmental setting for ECDE learners.
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