Tom H. Skoglund, Patrick Risan, Rino B. Johansen


The purpose of this study is to explore the suitability of an andragogy-inspired approach to teaching in a newly developed military leadership course for seasoned officers. First, we argue that it is theoretically reasonable to consider andragogy as useful for creating a learning environment suited to officers’ needs. Such an environment may help them navigate the complexities of the military context while employing the trust-based leadership style of mission command. Second, we examined course participants’ learning-environment experiences through a questionnaire that gathered their reflections on six common andragogical learning assumptions. Our thematic analysis indicated that, overall, participants perceived these assumptions as positively influencing their learning process. However, participants’ reflections highlight the importance of course timing, the balance between theory and practice, psychological safety, and motivation in strengthening the andragogical approach in the context of this course. Based on this exploratory study, we conclude that andragogy offers a promising framework for educating seasoned officers in leadership. For more definitive and generalizable conclusions, however, we encourage further empirical research with larger samples and diverse study designs.


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andragogy, leadership development, military pedagogy, professional military education

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