Jing Gao, Chunying Wang


In today’s internet-driven, information-rich era, online platforms have become a key mode of learning. By examining how the intensity of online learning platform usage affects vocational college students’ willingness to use these platforms in Shandong Province, this study clarifies the factors influencing their behavior and offers valuable insights for enhancing online platform use. In this study, usage intensity is defined as the independent variable, technology readiness as the mediator, and usage intention as the dependent variable, forming a theoretical model of the factors influencing vocational college students’ willingness to use online learning platforms. The results reveal that the intensity of online learning platform usage significantly influences students’ willingness to use the platforms; Usage intensity has a notable impact on technology readiness; Technology readiness significantly affects usage intention; Technology readiness mediates the relationship between usage intensity and usage intention.


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usage intensity, technology readiness, usage intention, online learning platform, Shandong Province (China)

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v12i5.5909


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