Sevim Güven, Demet Şahin Kalyon


The foundation of academic success is often laid during the years when students first encounter a structured learning environment. An essential part of this process is, undoubtedly, homework. Well-planned assignments not only reinforce the retention of knowledge learned in the classroom but also help students develop a sense of responsibility and contribute to the improvement of time management skills from an early age. Additionally, homework supports the development of problem-solving and critical thinking skills while also strengthening students’ academic discipline and self-regulation abilities. On the other hand, critics of homework argue that assignments create excessive stress for children, reduce family interaction time, and raise questions about whether they genuinely enhance academic achievement. This study aims to examine teachers' perspectives on homework practices in primary schools, focusing on how classroom teachers conceptualize and implement homework. A qualitative research approach was adopted in the study, which was designed based on the phenomenological pattern. The study participants consisted of 23 elementary teachers selected through a purposive sampling method. Data were collected through e-interviews, where a 12-question interview form was sent via email to participants, and their responses were obtained. The collected data were analyzed using content analysis. According to the study results, the primary reasons for assigning homework include reinforcing and reviewing learned knowledge. Additionally, ensuring that homework is appropriate for the students’ level was identified as a significant factor. The findings also indicate that research-based and observational assignments are more commonly given, that homework should not take up excessive student time, and that the primary factors preventing students from completing their homework include TV, tablet, and smartphone use. Furthermore, another significant finding highlights that parental support plays a crucial role in overcoming issues related to homework.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v12i5.5913


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