To investigate of pupils were observed and interviews of their early childhood classroom learning environments with the instructional internships in teaching early childhood of the pre-primary activity trainee student teacher internships for improving and creating scientific attitude skills toward early childhood in pre-primary educational school level in Thailand. Associations between these perceptions with their performances and pupils' attitudes toward early childhood performances were determined. Using the research instruments on classroom learning environments obtained of the 25-item My Class Inventory (MCI) and with the 8-item Test Of Performance-Related Attitude (TOPRA) were assessed which convention on individualized open and inquiry-based education, teacher-pupil interactions, and pupils’ creating activity performances attitude skills were assessed with the volunteer staff with the observe and interview forms. The MCI questionnaire has an Actual Forms and a Preferred Form. The questionnaire was administered in three phases with the Custer Random Sampling technique to a sample consisted of 720 pupils in 30 early childhood classes from 30 schools at the pre-primary levels in Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 1-3 and Roi-Et Pre-Primary Educational Service Area Office 1-3. Statistically significant differences between pupils were observed and interviews of actual-1, actual-2 and preferred performance activity learning environments of their classroom climates, distinguish individualized classrooms with their improving and creating attitudes skills’ sustainable development were also found. Predictions of the monitoring and evaluation of managing activity performances by the trainee student teachers of their internships; pupils’ skills developments of their activity performances’ sustainable for the set of actual and preferred environments as a whole and early childhood related attitudes also were correlated. The R2values indicate that 57%, 72%, and 80% of the variances in pupils’ attitudes to their actuale-1, actual-2 and preferred for the MCI in early childhood classes were attributable to their performances of their actual-1, actual-2 and preferred environments and their developing creative activity performances skills’ sustainable toward activity performance are provided.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.597
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