This study is designed to examine the composite and relative effects of educational input, process variables and learning outcomes on quality of secondary school education among selected employers of labour in south west, Nigeria. Descriptive research design of correlational type was employed to investigate the relationship that exists between the educational input, process variables and learning outcomes on quality of secondary school education among the selected employers of labour in south west, Nigeria. 518 employers of labour in south west, Nigeria were used for the study with 323 males and 195 females. Primary data were collected from the concerned individuals using questionnaire tagged “Perception of Employers’ of Labour on input, process variables and learning outcomes on quality of secondary school education in Nigeria”. This instrument was divided into five sections viz the demographic, input, processing, product and quality of secondary school education sections, all together has a test-re-test reliability coefficient of 0.71. Correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the three research questions that were raised at 0.05 levels of significances. The result revealed significant composite effect and relative contributions with curriculum as the most potent predictor (β = 0.544; t= 7.692; p< 0.05), followed by teachers quality (β = 0.531, t=12.767, p<0.05) followed by school friendly environment (β = 0.445, t= 5.696, p<0.05) followed by evaluation of learners (β = 0.405, t= 3.924, p<0.05), followed by learners support (β = 0.107, t= 1.987, p<0.05) and learners’ discipline (β = 0.176, t= 2.369, p<0.05). Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that parents should see to the education need of their children early enough. Also, that teachers’ quality should be looked into on issues of teaching-learning; curriculum implementation, learners support and learners discipline. Also, that curriculum should be prepared so as to make it relevant to individuals, cooperate existence and at large for national development.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.662
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