In this study, the effects of the Purdue Model used in the teaching of the unit ‘The Let’s Solve the Puzzle of Our Body’ on the attitudes of 5th grade students towards academic achievement, permanent learning and science have been analysed. For this purpose, a quasi-experimental study was conducted with a total of 87 students in Samsun in Turkey. For this purpose, the research was carried out by using the quasi-experimental method, in total 87 students in Samsun city of Turkey. While in the experimental group applications were carried out based on the Purdue Model, in the control group the course was taught according to the activities stated in 2013 Ministry of National Education Science Curriculum in Turkey. The data of study were collected using Academic Achievement Test and Attitude Scale towards Science. As a result of the study, it was determined that achievement and attitude levels of the experimental group and the control group students were significantly different in favour of the experimental group students. On the basis of the results obtained from this research, some suggestions have been made to future researchers.
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