The purpose of this study is to develop a valid and reliable measure of change cynicism. In the development of the scale, literature regarding cynicism was examined and item pool was composed. For the content validation of the scale, draft of change cynicism scale was given to five experts. Having received feedback from the experts, the scale was ready for the plot practice with a sample group of 206 teachers and administrators in total. Following that, exploratory factor analysis was practised for construct validity and reliability analysis was conducted. Lastly, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to assess the three-factor structure of the change cynicism with a different sample consisting of 434 teachers and 119 administrators. Change Cynicism Scale consisting of 17 items, each rated on five-point likert type scale was developed. Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient of the total scale was calculated as .94; and .90, .93, .84 for the sub-dimensions respectively. Total variance explained by change cynicism was 69%. All factor loadings were upper than 44. This showed that the scale was valid and reliable. The three-factor structure of scale was confirmed with confirmatory factor analysis. The model fit indices yielded a good fit to the three-factor structured model.
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