The conceptual frame was used in a study which sought to investigate the achievement of equity in the provision of Physical Education learning resources to physically challenged and typical learners in inclusive schools. The importance of the conceptual framework is to sensitize the stakeholders, education administrators, staffing officers, learners, Parents and the community on how quality education could easily be achieved through provision of appropriate learning resources in an inclusive setting. The problem of lack of conducive learning environment for challenged learners in inclusive settings has been echoed in many reports. The main objective of making the conceptual framework is to help the educators be in a position to use appropriate resources in an inclusive setting to achieve a meaningful education. The conceptual framework uses ideas from the Resource Dependence Theory and Social Development Theories. The theories were utilized to address the key issues in the study. The Resource Dependence Theory which sees organizations to be dependent on resources in their environment and succeed by maximizing on their power to compete and utilize those resources. On the other hand, the Social Development Theory argues that every function in the child’s cultural development appears twice: first on the social level and later on the individual level, first between people (Inter-psychology) and later inside the child (Intra-psychology). This applies equally to voluntary attention, logical memory and formation of concepts.
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