In line with the growing importance of use of education technologies in the field of education, teachers are increasingly expected to use education technologies in class environment and to provide students with appropriate environments and opportunities to use these technologies. This situation makes it necessary to investigate teachers’ motivation for use of education technologies as well as their levels of self-regulation. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to determine science teachers’ levels of self-regulation and motivation for use of education technologies. The research sample included a total of 107 science teachers (Female:42; Male:65) working in the cities of Diyarbakir (F:16; M:33) and Bingöl (F:26, M:32) in the academic year of 2015-2016. In the study, the survey method, one of quantitative research methods, was used. The results revealed that the science teachers participating in the study had high levels of self-regulation and motivation regarding the use of education technologies. In addition, it was found that the science teachers’ levels of motivation regarding use of education technologies increased as they had higher levels of education. Depending on the findings, several suggestions were put forward including encouragement of science teachers to taking post-graduate education.
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