The purpose of this study was to investigate of acute effects of anaerobic exercise at different intensities on dynamic balance performance. Twenty sedentary men who were 23.70 ± 1.45 years old, were voluntarily participated in the study. Single-blind, randomized controlled crossover design was used as experimental design. For determining dynamic balance, dynamic balance test on isokinetic balance device with dominant-single-leg test procedure was used. To create anaerobic exercise effect, Wingate anaerobic power test was used with different loads. Dynamic balance performance was measured one time before anaerobic exercise trials. During the following four days, anaerobic exercise trials with different intensities were applied in order to create anaerobic acute effect. Dynamic balance test procedure immediately applied after all anaerobic trials. For analyzing obtained data, repeated measures analysis of variance and LSD correction tests were applied. In terms of other trials, 10.0% and 7.5% anaerobic exercise trials showed significant decrement in overall and anterior-posterior balance points (p < 0.05). In terms of other trials, 10.0%, 7.5%, and 5.0% anaerobic exercise trials showed significant decrement in medial-lateral balance point (p < 0.05). Besides, balance points increased in 10.0% trial, while the balance points gradually decreased to 7.5% trial from control. In summary, it could be said that dynamic balance positively influenced from anaerobic exercise when it low intensity, and negatively influenced from anaerobic exercise when it high intensity.
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