The purpose of this study is to reveal the relationships between middle school students’ emotional expression levels and their self-concept, gender, and school types. It was conducted on the seventh-grade students of five middle schools in Sivas province in the 2016-2017 academic year. Relational survey model was used. The Emotional Expression Questionnaire developed by King and Emmons (1990) and adapted into Turkish by Kuzucu (2011) and the Social Comparison Scale adapted into Turkish by Şahin, Şahin, and Durak (1993) were used as measurement tools. No significant difference was found between the emotional expression levels of the females and the males. However, the females were found to have significantly higher social comparison scores than the males. A significant difference was found between the scores obtained from the Emotional Expression Questionnaire by school type. A low-level significant, positive relationship was found between the scores obtained from the Emotional Expression Questionnaire and those obtained from the Social Comparison Scale.
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