The aim of this study was to investigate the reasons why mountaineers participate in ice climbing activities and revealed the effect of this preference their self-confidence. For this, the data was collected in the 2. International Emrah Özbay Ice-climbing Festival, 22-26 January 2016 in Erzurum. The data was collected through “Participation Motivation Questionnaire” by Gill, Gross and Huddleston (1983) which was adapted into Turkish by Oyar et al. (2001); and “the Self-Confidence Scale” developed by Akın (2007). The data collected was analysed through statistical package program (SPSS 16.0) and the results were interpreted. One Way Anova, T-test and correlation statistics were used in statistical analysis. It was observed that the medium of reasons for participation in ice-climbing is low and self-confidence is high. A meaningful relationship was found between these athletes’ reasons for participation and their self-confidence (p<0,05). Meaningful results were gathered in terms of gender, marital status, age and years of ice-climbing experience. As a result, there was a reverse relationship between self-confidence and participation in ice-climbing. Self-confidence is an important influence on ice climbing.
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