This paper explores the development of website portal for Electrical Engineering teachers in Vocational High School. The website portal for Electrical Engineering teachers in Vocational High School aims at providing information and as a channel for Electrical Engineering teachers in Vocational High School to discuss important issues and problems related to teaching and learning in Electrical Engineering. The development of the website, basically, is conducted to facilitate and enhance pedagogic competence of Electrical Engineering teachers in Vocational High School in facing AEC. This present development study employed a development model suggested by Branch called ADDIE. The development model consists of five steps namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The developed website was evaluated by the Electrical Engineering teachers in Vocational High School in Manado. The result of this development research indicated that the developed website obtained 88.0 score and categorized as appropriate. There are some features that are provided by the website to support communication vocational teachers electro, ie the automatic update feature information from the world of education from 4 countries, translator on the automatic update feature information about the world of education, the adjustment of the display (responsive) based devices accessed, automation features to retrieve information from Forums to put in other websites, and integration of educational calendars.
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