This study aims to examine the influence of academic information system, academic infrastructure, professional competence of lecturer on the quality of academic service and student satisfaction. This research is a type of evaluation research. This research used survey method with quantitative approach. The population is a student of Engineering Faculty of Manado State University with a sample of 157 people. Data collecting technique was using questionnaire instrument with Likert scale and Data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Square (SEM PLS) The results of the study found that: (1) Academic Information System affects the quality of academic services and student satisfaction, (2) The academic infrastructure affects the quality of academic service and student satisfaction, (3) Professional lecturer competence affects the Quality of Academic Service and Student Satisfaction. (4) The quality of academic service has no effect on student satisfaction. Recommendations: In order to increase student satisfaction, it is necessary to improve the quality of academic information system and academic facilities as well as professional competence of lecturers and academic service quality, since the students' perception categorized as average.
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