This study analyses the perceptions of teacher trainees in relation to the assistance they receive from their mentors regarding planning and preparation of lessons during teaching practice. A questionnaire survey was conducted among one hundred and twenty (120) teacher trainees by using the five point Likert scale in which the respondents were asked to evaluate statements on planning and preparation by giving it a quantitative value; in this case the level of agreement or disagreement was the dimension used. The study provides sufficient evidence that University of Botswana teacher trainees are fairly assisted in the planning and preparation of lessons when on teaching practice. This guidance from mentor teachers is adequate evidence that the teacher trainees can work independently in an environment where they are not constantly supervised. While teacher trainees are adequately guided on several dimensions of teaching, data collected and analysed in this study also indicates that there is little communication regarding information on the goals or aims of teaching as a planning activity. At the end, it is evident that planning and preparation, as important ingredients in teacher preparation, can form part of the mentoring programme. Teacher-trainees can internalise these qualities in order to become better teachers upon completion of their teacher training.
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