Teachers’ job satisfaction is one of the fundamental factors that determine the success of any school. A satisfied teacher would most likely put in more effort towards the success of a school while a dissatisfied teacher would lazy around and students would not reap the full benefits of education. This study examined the levels of teachers’ job satisfaction in public secondary schools in Siaya, Kisumu and Kjiado counties, Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey paradigm. The study was guided by the Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory. The target population comprised of 379 deputy principals, 1010 heads of departments, and 2208 teachers in public secondary schools in Siaya, Kisumu and Kajiado counties, Kenya who had served for more than two years in the same school. Stratified and simple random sampling was used to sample 38 deputy principals, 101 heads of departments and 221 teachers giving a total of 360 respondents. The data for this study was collected using Teacher Job Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found out that most (56.7%) teachers were dissatisfied and that most (63.9%) of them would not choose teaching as a profession if they were to start over again in a new career. The study concluded that a dissatisfied teaching force is disastrous for the education sector in Kenya as this will prevent learners from reaping the full benefits of education. The study recommends that education stakeholders and policy makers should put in place appropriate mechanisms that will address the challenges around the attainment of teachers’ job satisfaction in Kenya.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.976
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