It should be been within the interest of any university to know and ensure quality in the teaching and assessment of its students. The services offered by universities include; teaching of students, undertaking research and offering community service. These to be attained effectively, universities should institute quality assurance systems in order to ensure that they offer quality services to their stakeholders. This paper highlights, the implementation of internal quality assurance systems in universities in Uganda, and the region as a means of improving the teaching and learning of the students. It has been observed that many universities in Uganda and in the region have not enhanced their quality assurance systems, and thus offering pitiable services to their stakeholders. Research has shown that putting in place functional internal quality assurance systems is the only way universities can advance and also enhance quality in the services they offer. Some universities in Uganda and in the region have been found to lack the will of advancing and enhancing functional quality assurance systems despite having the means. On the other hand, though some universities have the zeal to implement and operationalize quality assurance systems, they lack adequate resources while quality assurance is attached to a price. It is recommended that universities in Uganda and in the region should ensure that quality assurance systems are in place and also, allocate adequate resources to quality assurance activities within their universities.
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