J. O. Fehintola


This study is designed to examine the composite and relative effects of SSCE result, UTME score, age and gender on academic performance of University freshmen. Descriptive research design of ex-post facto type was employed to investigate the relationship that exists between the performance in SSCE, UTME, age and gender and university freshmen academic performance. University freshmen in the federal universities in south west Nigeria were used, 2518 participants 1423 males and 1095 females. Secondary data were collected from the concerned universities’ records office. Correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the three research questions that were raised at 0.05 levels of significances. The result revealed significant composite effect and relative contributions with SSCE result as the most potent predictor (β = 0.0140; t= 7.241; p< 0.05), followed by age (βeta = -0144, t=7.024, p<0.05). However, sex and UME scores were not potent predictors of academic performance of University freshmen. Furthermore, the findings showed that there is significant difference in the academic performance of university freshmen that holds SSCE result by WAEC and NECO, (t = 6.795, df=1869, p< 0.05). However, there was no significant difference in the academic performance of male and female university freshmen. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that parents should see to the education need of their children early enough. Also, that SSCE exam should be looked into on issues of teaching-learning; conduct and marking of the examination papers. Also, that JAMB organization should be sanitized so as to be able to perform the roles it is expected of her.


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freshmen, academic performance, senior school certificate examinations, university matriculation examination


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v0i0.664


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