Teachers play a significant role in integrating technology in schools, and motivated teachers reflect higher levels of technology use in their classroom. Learning students, especially in basic schools, become a new direction of research. The problem is some education systems for improving teaching process less use technology in the classes. In this paper, we present role of technology in the classroom for a learning process. We proposed two classes one of them enriched with technology another one without technology, after teaching the same subject for both students we take a test. The result shows that Average of students GPA in classroom technology is 83.3%, but in the classroom without technology decrease to 60.4%, the result of shows the learning increased 22.9% by using technology. Besides all students enjoyed in classroom technology and most of them learned more material with technology. The result of our paper shows that the classroom technology is more efficient to learn basic school students.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejoe.v0i0.952
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