Our musical instruments should be reconsidered in various sizes, for various purposes and being reexamined their effect and capabilities. The original instruments are already exceptional, colourful and they are suitable to be used for duo, trio, quarted chamber music teams (İlerici, 1964). It is seen that Autism spectrum disorders children are innate gifted in music. As they cannot communicate with the outside world and the social environment, they live in a withdrawn world. They should be ensured to interact with music starting from of pre-school ages. Considering the place, these children live and their socio-cultural environment, a different kind of style of musical therapy should be chosen for every children. The therapist is the half of the treating with music, and the other half is the child who is going to be treated. Children teach the therapist the style of the treatment. In other words, they are the teacher of the therapist, because these children lead the way through their interactive behavior, body language and sensory organs.
Article visualizations:
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İlerici, K. (1964). Türk Müziğinin Taşıdığı Değerler, Opus, 20.
Nordoff, P., Robbins, C. (1971 – 2006) Music Therapy in Special Education. New York.
Özelsel, M. (2002). Halvette Kırk Gün. İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları.
Reinhard, K. (1984). Türk Halk Müziğinin Bütünlüğü Üzerine. Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları.
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