The purpose of this research is to determine the needs of mothers with three intellectually disabled children. This study has been held with the participation of eleven volunteer mothers, living in Diyarbakır province in 2017. Semi-structured interview technique was used as qualitative research methods in the research. Based on the findings obtained from the research, it was determined that the mothers had important requirements such as materiality, information, general and social support, and needs of expressing themselves to the environment about the disability of their children. The biggest topic was determined as the lack of time for their personal development. When the national and international literatures are analysed, it has been determined that in Turkey needs of the mothers with three intellectual disabled children are higher than those of the developed countries. The main needs are knowledge and materiality. Based on this points, especially mainly legal positive discrimination, governmental agencies, educational institutions and NGO’s need to be more sensitive and should make concrete steps by meeting the needs of children with multiple disabilities.
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