This study explored theoretical correlation of ageing, mental activity and memory recall and its implication for security personnel. Ebbinghaus’ experiment with the list of nonsense syllables in 1885 has created the awareness that a lot factors can influence brain behaviour; critically ageing and mental activity. Despite the abundance of empirical literature on varying experiments to expose the correlation of brain behaviour and other human behavioural outcomes, the need to establish theoretical basis for understanding these relationships becomes important. Using Two-Stage Process theory of memory recall by Watkins and Gardiner (1979) which emphasized search and retrieval process; and Encoding Specificity theory by Tulving and Donald (1973) which emphasized encoding conditions and conditions at the time of retrieval, memory recall process was reviewed as brain behaviour in the light of how ageing and mental activity (cognitive exercise) may influence it. Given the found theoretical linkage, it is recommended that positive valences which improve mental wellbeing and varying brain behavior be encouraged in the workplace to improve the quality of human output in the organization.
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