This research was carried out in order to establish a general opinion on the effect of the teaching technique, which is referred to as the Touch Math, on the academic achievement of special needs students in mathematics courses. To this end, graduate thesis, doctoral dissertation and articles, which were made between 1990-2017, and which have statistical data that can be included in the meta-analysis study in accordance with the research problem, have been examined in national and international databases. For the collection of data, the inclusion criteria were determined and the coding form was prepared. Within the scope of the research, 26 researches have been examined and the researches that are appropriate to the inclusion criteria have been combined with the meta-analysis method. Descriptive analysis and meta-analysis findings of the study show that the touch math technique is effective in teaching acquisition addition skills of children with special needs.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v0i0.1847
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