The goal of this paper was to identify the most effective instructional strategies for reading fluency development through a synthesis of eight relevant meta-analyses. In the first part, reading fluency instructional strategies are presented. In the second part, the major findings of the eight meta-analyses are recorded in chronological order. In the last part, meta-analyses findings are pooled together and discussed. The processing of the eight meta-analyses data follows and uses the “LD Alerts” format, concluding to “Promising” and “Carefully Used” instructional strategies. Through this synthesis, the role of repeated readings appears to be prominent in reading fluency instruction. In specific, repeated readings are more effective when they are used in combination with the strategies of self-monitoring, goal-setting and model reading. In addition, provision of preview and cue seems to have a decisive role in fluency instruction. Nevertheless, other strategies and intervention components appear to hold controversial or limited evidence.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v0i0.2052
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