The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of teacher factors (gender, qualification, and teaching experience) on academic achievement of learners with ADHD in inclusive learning environments in international primary schools of Mombasa (Kenya) and Kampala (Uganda). This was a comparative study that included 377 Learners (9-11 years) and their class teachers. The study adapted Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Scale Questionnaire (ADHD-SQ) which assessed the three ADHD subtypes, a self-formulated questionnaire that required class teachers to provide their demographic characteristic, and End of Term Assessment Results (ETAR) of learners in core subjects of math, science and English for their academic achievement. The results revealed that female class teachers in Kampala significantly influenced overall academic achievement (U = 19.50, p = .018) while male class teachers in Mombasa significantly influenced math achievement (U = 241.00, p = .036) of learners with ADHD condition. Teacher’s qualifications did not significantly influence academic achievement of learners with ADHD in Mombasa (rs = -.058, p = .675) and Kampala (rs = .334, p= .139). Teaching experience significantly influenced science achievement of learners with ADHD in Kampala (rs = -.486, p = .025). The study recommended exploration of these teacher factors in public primary schools across the two cities.
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