Sudabeh I. Mihai, Kishor H. Mane, Sheelu Kachhap


Children with disabilities are one of the marginalized and debarred groups of children who experiencing extensive violations of their rights but every individual have a right to live freely and with dignity on the earth including the special need children. It is the disability which keeps such inequality apart from the fundamental human rights. In order to make all children including children with special needs enjoy their basic rights as envisaged in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and lead a dignified, physically and mentally healthy and happy life, we have to improve their Quality of Life (QoL). Assessment of QoL is important because it gives voice to children. The present study focused on the QoL of children living with a disability. The study was conducted on special need children studying in special school of Varanasi city in India and Northwest Copenhagen city of Denmark. The method used is the phenomological method which involves participant observation with the help of detailed field notes and interviews. The study revealed that disability is lived and experienced in a very personal way by the children with special needs and disability tends to adapt a better QoL to overcome lack of access and failure.


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disability; quality of life (QoL); children with special needs

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v0i0.2066

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