Behavioral problems are a category of special educational needs and can affect the person's evolution. The purpose of this article is to present an incident with problems of internalization and to address it through structured pedagogical intervention in the free time. In the case study, a real or hypothetical example that reflects a more general situation is presented with a view to analyzing in depth and investigating alternatives to emerging problems. Case Reports are the core of the recognition process and the end of a successful training. This article focuses on the use of leisure time as a planned educational practice from the point of view of informal learning and education provided in a center for the design and implementation of personalized and group educational programs of integration philosophy. An incident is presented, as well as the symptomatology it displays. Here is a summary of the inclusion program that was organized and implemented on the one hand to alleviate the problems of behavior and on the other hand to integrate and accept the particular child from his peers. Finally, some basic conclusions are presented based on what has been presented. Overall, a joint free time program for children with and without behavioral problems helps significantly in the development of relationships between children, in accepting a child with behavioral problems from peers, and in real group membership.
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