Cahit Nuri, Gönül Akçamete, Cemaliye Direktör


Background: The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between the quality of life and stress levels of parents of children with ADHD. Methods: The study participants consisted of mothers (n=110) and fathers (n=90) of children with ADHD from the Northern Cyprus (n=200). The “Beach Centre Family Quality of Life Scale” and “Perceived Stress Scale” have been used in this study. In the data analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regressions were all conducted. Results: It has been found out that mothers have higher emotional well-being scores than fathers. The results show that the family interaction, parenting, physical/material well-being, disability-related support and emotional well-being sub-dimensions are predicted with inadequate self-efficacy. It can be expressed that 25% of the variance related to inadequate self-efficacy is explained by family quality of life sub-dimensions. Another result of the study shows that the family interaction, physical/material well-being, parenting, disability-related support and emotional well-being sub-dimensions predicted stress perception together. It can be expressed that 52% of the variance related to stress perception is explained by the family quality of life sub-dimensions. Conclusion: The study concluded that the statistical difference between females and males is only in the scores of emotional well-being, which is a sub-dimension of quality of life.


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ADHD, parents, quality of life, stress

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