Svetoslava Saeva


The increasing number of pathological conditions among children nowadays and in the past decades is the main reason for writing this paper and conducting the study described in it. Some of the conditions referring to in this article are: autism and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), dyslexia, late onset of speech, epilepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), emotional and behavioural disorders. By the means of observation we can conclude that the current prevalence of these conditions and others as well, are pandemic, especially in the developed countries. The main question we search the answer to in this text is: “Is there any direct or indirect relation between the routine ultrasound irradiation scanning during pregnancy and the number and severity of the disabilities in the children affected by it?”  The summarized results from a self-initiated and conducted study on the subject are presented in this paper. The study is realized in the period of eight years (2011-2019), however, here a more than four years data is summarized. The first four years the researcher spend time applying semi-structured interview to different people involved in the ultrasound checking (obstetricians, midwives, doulas, parents) while the rest four years she disseminated a questionnaire addressed to pregnant women and mothers of children with different abilities (aka special educational needs) and typical development children. The author concludes that there is absolute necessity for change in the medical routine practice applied to healthy pregnant women with low-risk pregnancies – both nationally, in Bulgaria where the study is conducted, and internationally – for the sake of children’s health and the need of informed consent of parents before the procedure is applied to the unborn, fragile and unprotected child. The effects of ultrasound wave’s irradiation on the mothers’ health should not be underestimated either.


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prenatal ultrasound, Doppler, danger, risk, children with different abilities, special educational needs, informed consent, conscious parenting, responsible parenting

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