Ephraim Quaynor Teye, Adam Awini, Alice Avornyo, Nana Opoku Acheampong


The study examined the knowledge and skills in using computers by students with disabilities at the University of Education, Winneba (UEW). The study employed the descriptive survey design which used a questionnaire to solicit information from forty-six (46) students who were randomly sampled. The study found out that majority of the students had some knowledge and skills in the use of computers. However, it was established from the results, that many of the students’ knowledge and skills about computers were inadequate for higher education level academic work. Finally, the study found out that the type of disability a person has, does not have any significant influence on their knowledge and skills for computer usage. It was recommended that students with disabilities should have access to specialized Information and Communication Technology (ICT) centre where adaptive services would be organized and delivered to enhance their skills. This ICT centre should be manned by competent ICT personnel who understand the needs of students with disabilities, and whose main responsibilities should be to attend to the technological needs of students with disabilities.


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computing knowledge, computing skills, ICT, students with disabilities

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