H was a 27-year-old boy. He was a patient living at Kedoya social home and had characteristics such as following: had no social contact towards his friends, towards officers, inadequate eye contact during conversations, lack of politeness, unable to take care of himself, et cetera. Schizophrenia is a type of severe psychosis, with personality as the main source of disorder. Therefore, schizophrenia patients had disorders of thinking process, mood and feelings, as well as psychomotoric functions; marked with association disorder, affect, activity, attention, ambivalence, and autism. In this case, H was managed with supportive therapy and persuasive technique in order to evaluate socializing function of paranoid schizophrenia patients. The aim of the intervention is to report increases in all aspects, especially in social function, which includes a person’s learning process to discover and apply the culture of the community around him. This research was designed as a single case report, “ABA”, in which A was the early phase of intervention (baseline), B was the treatment phase, and A was the follow up phase, using data collection method, which includes observation, interview, and psychological test, as well as persuasive method, which consisted of influencing process, directing, providing examples, advices, as well as guidances up until a positive effect is created. At the end of the research, H was able to have social contacts with his friends, the officers, provided adequate eye contact during conversations, able to socialize, showed good manners (was polite), and was able to take care of himself, even though it was not optimal yet.
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