Duduzile Nkomo, Buyisani Dube


Worldwide, the acquisition of competent reading skills is recognised as one of the fundamental aspects in education since reading forms the basis of all academic learning. Notwithstanding this, the number of learners who do not perform well at school due to low reading levels seems to be increasing over the years in most African countries. A significant number of these is diagnosed to be dyslexic. In view of this, several researchers have taken great strides to develop theories that define dyslexia. However, none of these has managed to give an inclusive and convincing argument that is relevant in all contexts. This article therefore, focuses on the magnocellular theory in its attempt to combine the hypotheses of all major theories of dyslexia in explaining the experiences encountered by affected learners. An overview of this theory and its application in the teaching and learning process is examined as the discussion unfolds.


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application, dyslexia, magnocellular theory, reading, teaching

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