Dina Samir Sayed Ali, Nadia Abdo Abo Donia, Khaled Abd El Hamid Osman


The research aims to examine the relationships between perceptual load patterns, selective attention and visuospatial working memory of twice exceptional pupils with dyscalculia of primary stage. The sample size consisted of 20 twice exceptional pupils with dyscalculia from sixth primary grade. The instruments were used for date collection: ordinary matrices test, prepared by Raven (1938); reading comprehension test, prepared by researcher; basic mathematical operations test, prepared by researcher; Bender gestalt test of motor visual disorder, prepared by Loretta Bendar (1938); Arabization by Fahmi, Ghoneim, Abu Al-Azayem Hospitalization (1990); quick survey form prepared by researcher; Wechsler 's Test of Children's Intelligence - Revised (1974), Arabization by Ismael and Malika (1999) ; selective attention task, prepared by researcher ;Computerized Verbal and Visual perceptual load pattern tasks (high-medium-low) prepared by researcher and Computerized Visuospatial working memory tasks (Pattern memory-Visual spatial sequencing) prepared by researcher. The date collected were analyzed by using the following statistical methods: frequency counts, percentages, Step-wise multiple regression analysis statistics, Z scores. The research concluded that perceptual load patterns, selective attention were very good predictors of visuospatial working memory of twice exceptional pupils with dyscalculia of primary stage.


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perceptual load patterns, selective attention, visuospatial working memory, twice exceptional pupils, dyscalculia

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v0i0.2775

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