The aim of an education system is to raise better generations to bring the desired dreams to come true. New possibilities exist today which are the result of the convergence of the increase in information and the unprecedented capacity to communicate. Therefore, these new possibilities must be seized with creativity and a determination for increased effectiveness. Today, meeting the basic learning needs of all requires more than a recommitment to basic education as it now exists. What is needed is a paradigm shift that surpasses present resource levels, institutional structures, curricula, and conventional delivery systems while building on the best in current practices to strengthen partnership and promoting equity. Therefore, education systems should be able to contribute to creating a more equal, inclusive and socially just world. Unfortunately, most present education systems, philosophies and implementations limit their students’ ability to fully access or participate in learning. As a result, so called integration is not necessarily a step towards inclusion. This paper advocates an educational renewal designed to build the capacity of our school system to be really inclusive to support the success of all students with all types of individual differences. Helping all students with all types of individual differences and diversity should be both the promise and the challenge of inclusive education.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v0i0.2792
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