Dimitra Katsarou


There has been a lot of research about teachers’ perceptions in special education (special educators) towards ICT use in mainstream schools demonstrating positive and negative standpoints. This survey the aims to find out special educators’ views on ICT integration in mainstream schools in Thessaloniki. Objectives of the research are searching which types of ICT tools are used, what are the obstacles to ICT integration, and which are the benefits for students and special educators by the use of ICT. As the main aim of the present research is to explore the deep beliefs of special educators, qualitative method was used. The methodological tool used was the semi-structured interview which revealed a variety of aspects around ICT use. The sample consisted of fifteen participants all working at public mainstream schools in the area of Thessaloniki. Thematic analysis was used to analyze data and four themes related to study’s objectives occurred: Advantages of ICT, Barriers that hinder ICT integration, Types and access to ICT tools and Obligation to use ICT. According to the findings of the research, the majority of the sample is positive towards utilizing technologies. Despite a range of ICT benefits described by the interviewees, significant obstacles hinder ICT integration. ICT could only be integrated efficiently if curriculum changes occurred.


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special education, ICT, perceptions, students with SEN

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