Dimitra Katsarou


Research in special education has produced beneficial results for students with dyslexia as well as for their teachers. More specifically, research on dyslexia has opened many paths, but, at the psychosocial level, the bibliography lags behind and shows some gaps. This research aims to outline and compare the psychosocial profile of children and adolescents with dyslexia who study in the general classes of Greece from the point of view of primary and secondary school teachers. In particular, there was anxiety and low self-esteem in students with dyslexia, while at the same time the attitudes and management of teachers were investigated to improve and relieve the psychosocial problems faced by children in school. Two focus groups were included in the survey, which included a total of 19 teachers, 11 primary and 8 secondary schools of various specializations, and they participated in a semi-structured interview. Research has shown the existence of anxiety and low self- esteem in dyslexic children and adolescents in written and oral procedures such as spelling, reading and oral examinations. In addition, teachers in order to reduce stress and enhance students' self-esteem in stressful activities are rewarding and indirectly and positively exempting them during the examination process by asking them questions that meet their capabilities. Finally, all participants have raised the need for further training of themselves to be able to help children at both psychosocial and learning levels, as well as promoting individualized teaching to students with dyslexia to give them equal opportunities with their peers.


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dyslexia, psychosocial functioning, anxiety, low self-esteem, teachers’ beliefs

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v0i0.2829

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