Muluken Tesfaye Kabtyimer


This study focused on examining the accessibility of higher education services for students with disabilities in selected Campuses of Arba Minch University. To this effect, a case study design of a qualitative research approach was used. Purposive and convenience sampling techniques were employed to select 7 students with disabilities, 3 faculty deans, 4 head of their departments, a president of students with disability association, 2 coordinators of special needs students’ service and 2 coordinators of students’ service offices from two campuses of the University. Data was collected via semi-structured interview, observation, and document review methods and the qualitative theme analysis technique was used. The finding revealed that in Arba Minch University students with disability enrolment was increased annually, due attention giving was started in re-designing and constructing new buildings, classroom and dormitory are arranged at ground floor, and provision of financial, educational and special services was appreciable. On the other hand, minimal awareness on the university legal and practical documents, lack of comprehensive information about university services, being reluctance to be identified as a student with disabilities, failure to admit students with severe disability, Prohibition to admit in some field of studies, limitations in facilitating special educational consideration, no any special consideration for students with hearing impairments, poor ramp design and absence of ramps in some buildings, inaccessible pathway to offices/classes, and no counseling services at all were the major findings that hinder the inclusiveness of students with disabilities in Arba Minch University.


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inclusion, impairment, disability, higher education, accessibility of services, students with disability

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