This study investigates factors that influence the choice of assistive technology of students with visual impairment at Ghana National Inclusive Basic Schools. The study discussed the available assistive technologies in the school, the preference of a particular assistive technology to others and challenges students faced in the use of assistive technology. The study is grounded on the human function model. The case study designed was adopted for the study. The sample size is 10 where participants were selected through the purposive technique. The main instrument used for data collection is interview. Results were analysed and discussed based on the key themes raised in the research questions. The study revealed that students’ choice of assistive technologies hinged on the availability of technology, parents’ ability to buy such technology, knowledge from rehabilitation centres and limited knowledge of students and teachers in operating them. The study recommended the provision of training for teachers and students, supply of assistive technology to schools, rehabilitation homes should expose students to newer technologies which will transcend to their use in classrooms. Assistive technology should match the unique needs of students.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v6i1.3091
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