David Ssegawa, Matovu Musa


For foresighted management of secondary schools, head teachers must be able to delegate some of their powers to teachers at the lower levels. This study aimed at analyzing the relationship between head teachers’ delegation practices and teachers’ psychological job commitment in secondary schools in Kira Municipality, Wakiso District. The study tested the following hypotheses; (a) there is no statistically significant relationship between assignment of responsibilities and teachers’ psychological job commitment, (b) there is no statistically significant relationship between head teachers’ delegation of authority and teachers’ psychological job commitment, and (c) there is no statistically significant relationship between head teachers’ transfer of the accountability and teachers’ psychological job commitment in Kira Municipality, Wakiso District while cross sectional survey research design was adopted to obtain information from 113 respondents. A questionnaire and interview guide were used as tools to collect data for the study. The results of the Pearson’s moment correlation coefficient indicate that there are strong and positive statistically significant relationships between head teachers’ assignment of responsibility and teachers’ psychological job commitment (r (113) = .957; p = .000), head teachers’ delegation of authority and teachers’ psychological job commitment (r (113) = .995; p = .000), and head teachers’ transfer of accountability and teachers’ job commitment r (113) = .958; p = .000).  It is recommended that head teachers should assign responsibilities, delegate authority and transfer accountability to teachers in order to increase their psychological commitment to their jobs.


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head teachers, delegation practices, teachers’ job commitment

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v6i1.3119

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