Riza Özdemir, Buket Kisaç, Emre Ünlü, Gamze Kaplan


Individualized Education Program (IEP) is an important element in the Turkish Education system since it aims students with disabilities to get a systematic, measurable and on point education. Thus, preparation, implementation, and evaluation of the IEP play a critical role for students with disabilities, their parents, and professionals. Researchers conducted studies and provided suggestions to improve the quality of IEPs. However, in the literature, there was not any evaluation tool for the IEP. The purpose of this study is to create an evaluation tool for IEPs, and based on this tool, to measure the quality of prepared IEPs in Turkey. In this study, descriptive analysis was used. The findings demonstrated serious deficiencies in the components of IEPs. Based on that, the researchers provided suggestions to enhance the quality of IEPs.


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special education, individualized education plan, rubric, students with disabilities, public schools

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