Irene Vanderpuye, Isaac Attia, Richard Amoako, Douglas Fofie, Daniel Asamoah


The purpose of this paper was to assess the effective usage of protective and sighted guide techniques as key orientation and mobility (O&M) skills in the two main schools for the blind (Akropong and Wa Schools for the Blind) in Ghana. We used the qualitative research design through the case study approach, where 25 students with visual impairment (15 for Akropong School for the Blind, and 10 for Wa School for the Blind) were selected through purposive sampling technique. Data was collected through a semi-structured interview guide. The data was manually analysed thematically. Our findings show that students of the Akropong and Wa Schools for the Blind did not use the protective and sighted guide techniques effectively. However, students at Akropong School for the Blind used the sighted guide technique slightly better than their counterparts at the Wa School for the Blind. We conclude that students in both schools are experiencing challenges with the use of the protective and sighted guide techniques, and this might have resulted in their ineffective use. We recommend that the Special Education Division of the Ghana Education Service though the Ministry of Education, and non-governmental organisations should provide adequate training in the use of protective and sighted guide techniques for students, so that they will acquire the necessary skills to effectively use the techniques in accessing their environments.


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orientation and mobility, sighted guide technique, protective technique, visual impairment, students

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